A woman using the card catalog at the main reading room of the Library of Congress, circa 1940.
Photo: Library of Congress
We are currently working to put our index collection on our web site to make it easier to access. The cemetery index is completed (see below) and there will be more to come as time goes by!
We have the following indexes and records available:
- Marriage Records and Indexes
- Divorce Index
- Cemetery Records
- Probate Records and Indexes
- Funeral Home Records and Indexes
- 1890 Census Records
- Land Patents Index
- Microfilm Records
Marriage Records and Indexes
We have Cleveland County marriage records from 1890-1945, including Lexington, OK 1909-1932. Indexes are available on the website, actual records can be found by contacting us.
Index of Cleveland County Divorces from 1890-1950
We have Cleveland County divorce records from 1890-1945, including Lexington, OK 1909-1932. Indexes are available on the website, actual records can be found by contacting us.
CCGS is the repository for Cleveland County’s old probate files dating back as far as 1890, seventeen years before statehood. These have been cataloged and are now available to anyone wishing copies.
Order the Probate Index Book, 1890-1928 (56 pages) by contacting CCGS. Listings in each book include name of deceased, date of death, probate filing date, case number, and whether there is a will available.
Individual Records and Wills
Contact CCGS to order complete probate files. Some files contain only one page, while others are massive files several inches thick. Prices vary on case-by-case basis. You can also order copies of wills if your ancestor has one available. Check the right column in the list of probates to see if available.
Census Records, 1890
1890 County C Census, Township 7 North, Range 2 West (Also available alphabetically)
Land Patents, 1891-1901
The first Land Patents to be issued in Cleveland County, Oklahoma by the U. S. Government. Land Patent Index.
Reels of Microfilm
We have various microfilm records available at our library. Please call ahead if you would like to view any of these. List of microfilm reels.
Funeral Homes
CCGS is grateful to the local funeral homes who have shared copies of their records with us. These have been cataloged and are now available to anyone wishing to view them.
You can order individual records or books of records by contacting CCGS.
Each record contains all the information the funeral home recorded about the death, funeral, plus other pertinent information.
The following books provide that funeral home’s alphabetical list of the deceased, along with DOB, DOD, and cemetery where interred.
- Mayes, 1956-1985 (75 pages)
- Mayes, 1986-1992 (30 pages)
- Guardian/Mayes 1993-2007 (38 pages)
- Meyer & Meyer, 1918-1958 (146 pages)
- Primrose, 1933-1958 (103 pages)
- Primrose, 1959-1972 (64 pages)
- Primrose, 1973-1985 (63 pages)
- Primrose, 1986-1992 (46 pages)
- Primrose, 1993-1999 (40 pages)
Index of Cemeteries
Indexes of individual cemeteries provide listings of data from each headstone. Books are 8-1/2×11″ and include a description of the cemetery along with a county map showing the location. Along with the name of deceased, you will frequently find date-of-birth, date-of-death, and other pertinent information
NEW! The 45 Cleveland County Cemetery Books have now been digitized and are available here: http://wilhite.oucreate.com/cemeteries/ .
- Banner Cemetery
- Bethel Cemetery
- Blackburn Cemetery
- Box Cemetery
- Chappel Hill Cemetery
- Corbett Cemetery
- Cropper (see Chappel Hill)
- Denton (see Holsonbake)
- Denver Cemetery
- Dripping Springs Cemetery
- Elsiemont (see Holsonbake)
- Emanuel Cemetery
- Fairview-Robinson Cemetery
- Fairview-McGuire Cemetery
- Falls Cemetery
- Ford Cemetery
- Friendship Cemetery
- Guillen Cemetery
- Holsonbake Cemetery
- Independence Cemetery
- Knowles Cemetery
- Lexington Cemetery
- Liberty (see Warren)
- Lilac Hill Cemetery
- Little Axe Cemetery
- Maguire – Fairview Cemetery
- Moore Cemetery
- Mt. Zion Cemetery
- Noble IOOF Cemetery
- Norman IOOF Cemetery
- Pilgrims Rest Cemetery
- Pleasant Grove (see Ford)
- Pogue Cemetery
- Red Oak Cemetery
- Resthaven Cemetery
- Rose Cemetery
- Rock Creek Cemetery
- Rose Hill (see Chappel Hill)
- Sanford Cemetery
- Schwartz Cemetery
- Shiloh Cemetery
- Smith Cemetery
- St. John’s Catholic Cemetery
- St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery
- Stella Cemetery
- Sunset Memorial Pk Cemetery
- Union Grove (see Ford)
- Warren Cemetery
- Williams Cemetery
- Willow View Cemetery.